The Scary Part

The Scary Part

Part of learning to channel can be scary. When I first learned to meditate I saw scary faces in my mind’s eye. My guides told me to continue with the meditations and eventually the scary stuff stopped. It was just because I was new to the practice. Same thing with channeling. There is lots to do with your own preconceived notions and beliefs that will need to change for the scary part to stop. But, it will stop.

What Do You Do About Stupid Channeling?

What Do You Do About Stupid Channeling?

Forgive yourself if you get some stupid channeling. Face it, the guides are smart, so who in the world would make stupid channeling. You did. So what? It happens. Calm down. Keep doing it and it will stop sounding so off the wall. We are only human and the best way to address wrong sounding channeling is to do some introspective, emotional work on yourself. You will be amazed.

Messages Our Daily Channeling on Facebook

A new project for 2021.  Daily Channeling by Seth in a Facebook format.  We’d love to see you there at Messages.

You will see channeled information all over this website.  When you do it will be in Italics and in Green  The channeled information comes from my guide Seth or from others in Spirit.

