The most difficult thing I’ve done lately is work with my websites. It’s been almost six months, likely even more, since I’ve last posted anything to TalkingToSpirit. What else can I say but I’ve been busy.

Busy with what you might ask me. Well, I’ve been writing. In July of last year, 2022, I began writing what was intended to be a short book of about 30,000 words to help young people land their first job. I drew upon my own experience of working during the last 45 years, give or take.

There were so many things I was unprepared for when I entered the workplace all those years ago in 1975, I thought that there might be some young people who would appreciate it if they had a few tips about what to do and what not to do.

I also began writing short articles or pieces, as I like to call them, at a writer’s platform called You can read 3 free articles a month, or you can purchase a membership. I will flat-out ask you, if you are interested, to use my affiliate link to join. It costs $5 a month, or if you want to pay for a whole year in one swoop, it costs $50 instead of the normal $60. If you use my affiliate membership link I will earn $2.27 each month as a commission. Sort of like Amway, but not.

If you are a member of Medium, after you have 100 followers, you can start getting paid for the articles you write that other members read. It’s not much, though there are people at Medium who boast they can earn upwards of $5,000 a month. It’s not that I don’t believe them; it’s that I think they work really hard at beating the system. As I will never lie to you I earned all of $58 at Medium in 2022. In any case, if you join with my link, I will be your first follower. Why do I continue to write at Medium if I can only look forward to earning all of $3.46 a month? It’s because I learned how to write at Medium. After having declared myself to be a writer 40 years ago, it wasn’t until the last year that I realized the importance of actually sitting down and writing on a regular basis. I have written over 300 articles on Medium and have 637 followers at this point.

I write as a psychic, so there are many times Spirit will join me in the pieces I write. I have found writers whom I resonate with and who like what I write. Normally, when writers are a part of the workforce and have friends, family, and neighbors, not a stinking one of them likes to write, much less read. So, the companionship I have with thousands of other people who write at Medium is worth more than gold to me.

As I moved closer and closer to publishing my own book, which, incidentally, grew to three 30,000-word books, I began to think about what sort of covers I wanted. I signed up with a couple of months ago on the recommendation of other writers who have used the program to create their own book covers. Lo and behold, there is a whole subset of people who publish low and no-content books with Amazon. I joined the ranks. At the time of this writing, I have one notebook for sale on Amazon. It was accepted by KDP yesterday. I’ve got another three journals and notebooks up in the air waiting for final approval from KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). Again, people say they can earn money with these books. Of course, as with any claim, no matter what it is, there will be naysayers. All I have to say is, “We will see what happens.”

In between all of that activity, I have unfortunately neglected this website. Never fear. I am back, as Arnold Schwarzenegger would say.

But I have forgotten much of what I learned about hosting a website on BlueHost using WordPress. After having spent several hours with tech services at Bluehost unable to log into my account yesterday, I decided this morning to post an entry to

The only thing that made it was the picture. So, back to the drawing board where I refuse to accept defeat, I penned off a better piece of writing to explain my absence and join that very lonely picture of a person lighting up. Why that particular picture? I picked that one because relearning everything I ever forgot about running a website is as hard as quitting smoking.
