I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and intrepidness on Black Friday I would hope you can tell your children about years from now.  (For those unfamiliar with Black Friday it is the day after Thanksgiving when merchants throw open their doors with specials of all sorts and the hope that people will come spend their money thus enabling the store owner to finally turn a profit and record it in black ink rather than in red.)

It has been some time since I have written, here in this Learning to Channel Blog, on any of my other websites and blogs and even in my own journals.

But, I haven’t been dead or in a coma. I was reeling first from the passing of our dear friend and neighbor, Phil last January and then from the new responsibilities of my job. I just let it all go away for a time. What I did during my spare time was to read and lose myself in books, to watch an inordinate amount of television and to play an addictive form of Solitaire; Aces and Kings to be specific.

I continued to channel my guides and others, close friends and relatives and other interested parties. And, it is regarding channeling that I wanted to tell you about something that happened to me just a few minutes ago.

I was watching a movie, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” from NetFlix on my computer. Part way through the movie when Benjamin has grown to be 9 or 10 years old he invites his young friend for a ride on the tug boat he works on. It is very, very early on a Sunday morning and he crept into the bedroom where his friend lay sleeping with her grandmother. He awakened her and asked her to come with him to see something special.

To everyone except his mother and his father it appears he is a man in his 70’s when he is actually a little boy. As the tugboat captain takes the two friends out onto the river a voice in my head said, “rapscallion”. It was one of those special moments in channeling where I could so easily distinguish between what a voice in spirit said and what I might think. Rapscallion is such an old fashioned word, a word I don’t think I would ever easily use. It brought tears to my eyes because the experience illustrated so wonderfully the amazement I still experience about everyday channeling.