It just occurred to me as I was knee deep in my sixth game of solitaire for the morning that I could have a goal or mood intertwined with whatever I write.  I had already begun on something that could either be a new post with commentary about how life has changed living with a world sick with Covid-19 from a 64-year old’s perspective complete with overtones of self-pity.  Or, I could begin a fictional account of something with the same sort of moodiness.  Or, I could say a few encouraging words for the day to post on the Talking to Spirit blog that probably nobody would read.

Then, I gave it all up for another game of solitaire.

I could probably talk about solitaire.  It’s probably what a lot of people are doing these days.  That and I hope they are reading.  That would be a useful thing for them to do.  Or, if they have some yarn they could crochet or knit something.  What?  Well, they could work on a small square.  Like they could do a different pattern with their knit stitches.  Everybody knows knit one, purl one for a regular stocking knit stitch.  Or, knit one, purl two for a rib stitch.  If you are into knitting likely you’ve got a book on hand.  You could learn some new patterns.  The Virgo in me would suggest making notes about the patterns as you learn them.  Or for the adventuress make something up.  Or, they could begin a series of crocheted granny squares in odd bits of colorful yarn. And, in the end work them all together to be a blanket.  What size?  Well, start with a lap blanket you can have in the living room to watch television.  Gradually add strips to it until it covers more than your lap.  Or, with cotton thread make some dish cloths.

Get out your sewing machine and sew up some face masks.  Maybe you’ve got some old sanitary pads kicking around from the days when you actually had a period and could use them as a liner in the mask.  I read somewhere on the internet that for useful protection you’d need 8 layers of fabric to come close to a manufactured mask.

What are we going to do with all this free time we have on our hands?  We could fret and worry that each little headache you have is the harbinger of worse things to come.  You could worry about food-stuffs for awhile.  Shelves are mostly bare now in the grocery stores and the things people want are gone.  Or, you could ration what you do have on hand and make a potato casserole for dinner.  You’ve had hotdogs in the freezer for months.  It’s probably time to eat them.  Get them out, chop into bits, chop up a mess of potatoes, an onion, maybe a carrot or two and devise something hot with melting butter on it for dinner.  Or, if you don’t have potatoes use rice.

I’m going to walk down to our local drug store this morning on my way to pick up some medicine for our oldest cat Shelby.  She has a thyroid condition and although we aren’t due to get her a refill for 2 weeks I figured it would be better to have some more pills on hand.  Then, I’ll see if the Walgreens has some shampoo.  I don’t have any rubbing alcohol and that’s a useful thing to have these days.

Here’s something to watch on YouTube.  Her name is Clara and she has since passed.  At the time her son helped her make a number of videos of what it was like to live during the Great Depression.  Officially from August, 1929 to March 1933 according to Google, but in her videos it is 1929 to 1939.  One dinner she described was a can of peas and potatoes. The thing that comes closest to mind from a recession is a depression I suppose.  My mind anyway.  You can search for Clara Depression Era Cooking on YouTube or use this url: She kept her sense of humor, a lesson for all of us for right now.  I’ll talk to you later.