This blog is back from vacation!  It was actually 10 days that my husband and I spent in Yosemite National Park.  It was a really wonderful trip.  We drove up and each time we do the drive, every two years, seems to get shorter and shorter.  Same drive, we’re just getting accustomed to it.

So, points for a November trip to Yosemite?  The trees were turning color.  The place, as always, was just beautiful.  Dennis and I did not go on vacations for years.  Decades of our lives passed and it was the same old grind over and over.  But, I retired in 2014 and have been working intermittently since.  Now, I have no job and I’ve got to say I’m enjoying the you know what out of it.  For those of you who are not English speakers the term: you know what is more or less a bad word.  It’s what you say around children in an attempt to shield their impressionable young minds from curse words.

Anyway, I’m back and feel the need to get productive again.  So, what am I doing now?  Well, I’m binge watching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix.  How is that productive?  I don’t know, but it’s what I’m doing.  I don’t start until after I’ve done chores in the morning.  Yesterday I spent over an hour talking on the phone to my sister Betsy.  At one point we were laughing so hard I was bent over.  It doesn’t matter what we were talking about.  The idea is to spend time with your sister laughing.

I also spent half a day on Monday at Kaiser getting a blood draw.  You’d think that would be a relatively short trip, except I forgot Monday isn’t a good day to go to your doctor.  My A1C is fine which is good.

I’ve also spent 2 mornings sorting our receipts for 2019.  They end up in plastic produce bags pinned to the front of the refrigerator with magnet clips.  When the bags are full I swap them out for new bags.  Ideally, I’d be sorting each bag as it got full, but, what can I say.  This year I did not do that.  I’ve got 2 more bags to sort which I hope to do this morning.  Once that is done I can start entering the checkbook and credit card statements to Quickbooks.  It will keep me sharp since I’m not working my other job anymore and we will have something to give to our accountant come tax time.

Here’s what I am not doing.  I’m not getting my walks in.  I should be going to the gym and walking on the elliptical.  I should be losing weight.  I should be working on my websites.  I’m this close to having them looking good.  Or, looking better.  I need readership.  I need to get social media going.

You know what?  Many years ago I had a blog called, “The Psychic Vents”.  I had a lot of fun with that blog.  It was during a time when I was going through menopause and I felt mean as hell.  Enough with the you know what I mean terminology.  But, it was a way to blow off steam.  I have to admit I’m certainly not feeling as bad as I did during that time, but maybe I could post something once in awhile.  Instead of complaining here.  Count your blessings.  I never really understood how that’s supposed to make you feel better, but that’s what they say.  Here’s something that just happened while I was writing that.  I could see one of the guide’s heads.  Full head of white hair.  Male.  Not Seth because I think he is bald.  Anyway, just his head and neck I saw moving.  He was shaking his head.  No.  And, tucked his chin in.  Like he’s thinking I’m hopeless.  Not hopeless Dear.  Just helpless sometimes.

Okay, it’s almost 8am.  I’m going to go start my day.  Maybe I’ll change the sheets.  Good luck with that, Dear.  Thank you.