Brainstorming or a barn raising. Both are constructive activities. You might need to brainstorm to develop an approach or rough out a plan for a successful barn raising. With that in mind, an approach toward an interesting and attention-grabbing post would also seem to be in order.

Starting with no set idea or agenda in mind for the day’s post you can, on paper, sort of let your subconscious mind out for a mid-morning stroll across your pages. This is similar to allowing a character in a story a bit of freedom to express themselves apart from their already choreographed moves you’ve already determined for an outline of a book.This is actually a fun thing to do, very similar to one of the exercises I recommend people use when connecting with Spirit. However, today it will be addressed towards anybody.


Yes, I feel we should talk about anybody.

What if they can’t write?

Well, they certainly are not limited to being able to write. People couldn’t always write. Why do you figure we had cave paintings and stained-glass windows? Somebody wanted to tell a story and wanted it to reach more than the people surrounding the story teller as he or she spun their tale.


No, tale. If you spin your tail you’re either going to be a dog chasing their tale or a whirling dervish.

Point taken.

You are distracting me.

Well, yes it would appear so. Sort of took the wind out of your sails.

As opposed to tales.

Okay, I’ve closed my eyes and am attempting to recapture where I was before I got distracted. I’m going to have to read it again. That’s what happens when you get interrupted. If it is on paper you can read it again. If you are telling a story you’ll need somebody to remind you where you were.

You were discussing the similarity of stained glass windows and cave paintings.

Thanks, yes, so I guess I’m not going to have to re-read it right now. Anyway, the idea of allowing your sub-conscious mind a larger and more recognizable part in what you do, I think, is important. Not only for the benefit of your story or plan, but as an outlet for you. If you repress yourself over and over again wrong stuff happens. I think, at least it is my theory, that if you are constantly repressing and molding yourself into somebody else’s idea of who you should be things start to go awry. Like smoking, or drinking, or over eating, or not eating enough, or

Might we interject?


Well, anything to excess, anything not in moderation could be considered suspect in terms of being a displaced reaction to a stimulus.

Yes, that’s sort of what I was thinking about.

Why didn’t you say so?

Well, I was sort of going in that direction.

This has, though, evolved into an example of what it is like for you, Pauline, to interact with spirit. And, that might be what someone visiting your blog wants to hear about. Just what is the interaction that occurs between you and us at any giving point in time?

Okay, so somebody who isn’t obviously aware of Spirit in their life and who does not interact with Spirit like you and I do could experience the same sort of thing while they are allowing what they think is their subconscious more airtime.

Funny, you should say that us being Spirit and all.

Yes, when I thought it airtime seemed sort of to be like you are. I still roll my eyes heaven ward when the Guides or Spirit say something either off color, humorous or something that gets my attention.

Or goat.

Yes, that too. Thank you. Okay, this is feeling really disjointed right now. I’m not even sure where I am going with this now anymore.

Well, it was an exercise for you to cut loose, to show how allowing subconscious which is the same as you, which is the same as your higher self, which is the same as your soul, which is the same as everybody, a collective consciousness, however you want to think about it, a little breathing room and a moment to express a personal thought.

Yes, in a nutshell that’s what this was.

I wonder what it would be like to write poetry with you guys.

We are here at your service.

Thanks. That’s the best.