Channeling About Swine Flu

Channeling About Swine Flu

This is channeling from Seth: Whether you are feeling up to it or not usually people with jobs go to work. That means there are days when you are able to function at 100% energy levels and make the best decisions you are capable of. There are other days when with a...
Channeling In My Dreams

Channeling In My Dreams

This is the dream I had this morning: The cast from The Waltons was there. John Boy, Jason, Mary Ellen and Erin. They were sitting on the other side of a long table. I walk into the room and am amazed to see them. I smile and I’m saying hello and there at the end is...
An Announcement

An Announcement

Well, I can’t say as how I’ve been Miss Johnny on the Spot with posting entries to this blog on a fairly regular basis, but I would like to announce that I have finally decided to write a book about learning how to channel. Interestingly, it was the guides...
Hair Cut

Hair Cut

As a note before you begin reading this post, it is a very mundane example of a conversation the guides and I had. It’s not earth shaking revelations. It’s just me and the guides. This one is about hair cuts. I’ve put their parts in italics. I just...