Channeling in the Bread Isle

Channeling in the Bread Isle

At present these “lessons” are not arranged into any particular order. Rather, they are my experiences with channeling and, in particular, those things that might help somebody who is learning how. Actually, I’d wanted to talk about a particular point, but the guides...
Where Did He Go?

Where Did He Go?

This entry was inspired by what I saw as one of the search strings for Talking To Spirit yesterday.  The search was:  when my spirit guide is no longer around. I can understand why somebody would think this.  I can tell you what’s going on.   This is the setting.  A...
Watch Out!

Watch Out!

One of the things I had to “get over” when I began to channel was the idea that my guides would tell me everything I wanted to know. Nevermore would I go about in a state of confusion or of fear because I would know what was around the corner and coming at me from...