Loving Animals Can Help
You Love People Too
Channeled by Spirit Guides of all Kinds
Love, however you want to define it – forever or a passing infatuation, is still love. It can run deep as the bottom of the ocean to span the centuries and extend into many more lifetimes as the eternal and enduring attraction to your soul mate or to interactions with members of your soul families, but it is still love between the species. What happens when you think of love for your animals?
How does love apply to your animals? Is it the same kind of love? Does the quality of that love change when it pertains to domesticated animals? How about wild animals? Is it any different then? What about famous animals like Koko the gorilla or Flipper or Lassie. There were actually several Flippers and Lassies. But, it is the thought that counts.
What if the saying, “Love makes the world go round” was more true than you think? What if it were so true that everything that occurred, everything that transpired had at some point endeavored to teach about love? We admit that trying to see where love was involved in instances of terror or natural disasters is a stretch, but it is there. And, that is a point for another discussion. The one at hand, though, having to do with animals and with your pets, in particular, points out that lessons of love are there.
Are these beings not important in your life, sometimes more so in some cases than the humans around you? With the humans, sometimes, it is difficult to know when the love you express toward them is returned in any discernable measure. With an animal it would appear they are always glad to see you, dogs especially, but cats too, will express their delight that you are home from work or from school. Or interest, in any case. Your animals depend upon you for their food, for their home to be kept safe, for there to be a level of companionship and a commitment for their care. These are not wild animals anymore; these are your domesticated companions. It is unconditional love and attention that you receive from your pets and although they cannot communicate with you as a human being they do let you know when their needs are not being met.
Animals can teach all sorts of “good” qualities. As an example, let us say that you are afraid of taking the plunge. You are afraid of going out on that limb to say to another person, “You intrigue me. I wish to spend more time in your company.” Afraid to even take that first step toward companionship with another person, with a dog all you have to do is get out the plastic poopy bag and reach for their leash and you know in a heartbeat that going on a walk will appear to be the most incredible thing to have happened in that dog’s life in the last hour. What more can you say? It is gratifying to know that even the simplest thing you do might result in such delight for another being.
What an animal cannot give you are the deeper levels of companionship you would get from a person. What they can give you is the feeling that there is another being that depends upon you, who is interested in you and who likes to be with you.
An animal will help to keep you connected when, in the face of all other evidence, you really don’t want to have a thing to do with the human race. Even a pet, who traditionally will not have the level of interaction that a dog or cat has, can help to keep you on an even keel. If you spend the time you can create a level of interest with other species of animals too. Even wild ones will eventually become accustomed to your presence and come to expect that you will provide for them. The squirrels in your backyard are no dummies and know you’re good for some peanuts when you walk out the back door.
Would you like to communicate with your animals on a deeper level? Their thoughts are simple, for the most part, so wanting to discuss the latest political news is not appropriate. But, would you like to look into their mind and heart to see what they really think of you? There are people who do this on a regular basis. Veterinarians are very much “in tune” with their animals and their patients.
An animal who has as their only companion, you, will relate to you in a more complete and deeper fashion than one who has other animals to be with, even crossing species. A dog and cat in your household will be buddies. However, if you were to spend the time and attention with any one of your animals they will respond with a like interest, though many times it is on their terms.
At the least, you already know how to communicate with your pets. But, we suggest if you were to take the trouble to try to make a connection with them on a deeper level they will respond in a positive manner. How to do this, though, will involve you trying to almost learn a new language. This would be the language of heart and soul. It will involve meditating and quiet time on your part. You cannot expect your pet to sit still in front of you as you try to form the arff or meow that will reach their understanding. What you can do, though, is to meditate with the idea that you would make the animal soul connection. Your pet need not even be in the same room with you.
What you will be doing, though, in trying to learn Animal Speak is very much what a person does who channels and who acts as a medium. The first step is always the desire for connection to be made. Also, it is helpful if you hold aside your judgment and not say after a few attempts, “This is dumb. It is not working.” Progress into this arena of Animal Speak will be slow, but it will be positive. How you will know in your heart that you are making progress is that there will come a time when your animals will begin to spend more time with you. They will be inexplicably drawn to you where before they were content to either amuse themselves or to nap alone. Our Blessings.
Note from Pauline: I looked it up and there were 11 Lassies, 5 generations from the same sire. And, there were 5 dolphins who played Flipper.
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