This is an interesting exercise I just did to put me into a channeling sort of mood. It’s sort of like taking a spelling test. Just word by word. The “rules” were that none of the words had to make any sense. And, as the list grew at number 26 they started saying two words which quickly moved to three words which did sort of make sense taken together. I realized how this could be a really good exercise for somebody who was new to channeling.
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I remember getting real tense when I was first channeling expecting and wanting everything that was said to make some sort of sense. It didn’t always and I would sometimes feel exhausted with trying to get it right. Then, trying too hard it all dissolved into nothing and I couldn’t get anything at all. So, since this little exercise worked for me just to sort of loosen me up I figured it might work for those of you out there who are new to channeling or, who like myself, just need to loosen up channeling muscles and get back into the groove again.

So, all you do is sit there with pen or pencil in hand. Calm yourself. Meditate a bit if you want to. Center. Ask that you speak with your guide…or, that your guide say some words for you to write, one by one. And, wait. The “hearing” can come so very softly that you just sort of think you are even dreaming. The word, “River” goes by. It’s not hooked up with anything. It’s not anything you were just thinking of. Could this have been your word? You’re not sure. But, the “rules” are to write down the words you think your guide is saying to you. So, you write down, “River” on the list.

Next word. Nothing. Take a deep breath. Center. Calm. “Bird” Center. Calm. “Fritter”. Write it down. Center. Calm. “Mechanic”. They’re starting to come faster. This is wierd. This isn’t talking. It’s just a bunch of words. Fine. That’s what it’s supposed to be. A list of words your guide is saying to you and you are writing down.

Here’s my list:

wild flowers
this and that
taken with you
we will carry
this to you
all the way
without fuss or muss
taken to the limit
threshold of pain
capacity to love
good plans

I have to tell you I argued with them to take the first word off. I didn’t figure I wanted Sex to be the first word my guide said to me. But, I lost the argument. The reasons being I am honest in this blog. That really was the first word they said to me. And, as embarrassing as it is it might be on your list too. I didn’t want you to feel wierd.

And, you could continue on and realize that as the list gets longer the words begin to make sense and it just could morph into a nice channeling session.