Goodness, it’s been a good five months since I wrote at TTS (TalkingToSpirit.com). I finished the November 2021 NaNoWriMo writing challenge too. I didn’t get to 50,000 words, but I did something I’ve never done before. Because I channel voices in Spirit I made the shift to speaking to a fictional character. I’d actually done this years ago in my early days of channeling just to push the envelope and see what I could do, but this time Daniel reached out to me.
I was thinking about the challenge and thought I might try for a book, a novel this time. Novels are not my strong suite and although I love reading fiction I am very hesitant about writing fiction. But, I remembered two things. I remembered an exercise I did years ago from Julia Cameron’s book, “The Artist’s Way”. It involved having a conversation with the critic inside you. That voice who always tries to shoot down any sort of good idea you have. In those days that voice was very active for me. What you do is you take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. Your side is the left side of the paper and you state something. For me it was something along the lines of, “I am a writer”. Then, you stand back, withhold judgement and allow the pretend in you to take charge. The right-hand side of the paper belongs to your own inner critic.
That’s where they have a say and my inner critic said, “You couldn’t write your way out of a paper bag”. Now, when this happened, I was really startled. I’d never thought that the critical voice inside me could write. This was all in the days before I learned how to channel, so it was very, very strange.
I sat back, regarded what I had just written and went back to my own side of the paper to say, “I can too write!” Well, the conversation ensued, and we went back and forth for several rounds. I can’t remember what was resolved, but now, years and years later I can write.
The other thing I remembered was the story Diana Galbaldon tells when she sat down to write, “Outlander”. It was a wicked nasty day. Her boys were inside squabbling and making lots of noise. She was tired and just wanted to write a story. She’d never written a story before. So, she started but suddenly her main character started talking on paper. She said, “Who are you?” The character answered, “Claire”. I believe Diana had the intention to write a particular kind of story when Claire informed her that she was a nurse during World War II and had been sent back 200 years in time. More than 10 books, maybe more, later you have the Outlander Series.
My experience with a character coming to life before me happened when Daniel introduced himself to me. I chose his last name of Johnson which is a play on my own last name of Evanosky. Evan means John and sky or ski always means son of. So, Evanosky…son of John…Johnson. I remember asking him what he looked like, and he said he had a six pack of abs. It was funny. I chose the time the story would take place at random, and it became the 1880s in South Dakota. I realized I didn’t know squat about the times, the people, the challenges they all faced; just nothing.
I spent most of the month of November gathering resources from all over. I purchased a whole slew of books, mostly used and made a list of places I could visit on the Internet for more information.
I never did get past 3,000 words and Daniel never did get to speak seeing as he was an infant in the story. I have a feeling what I was writing was a prequel or something like that. The book you write before you write the book you write.
And, then all hell broke loose with Dennis and I. He had to walk away from his job which had suddenly become very toxic. It was unnerving, but I believe, and he believes too, the best in the long run. Now, he will get to do the kind of stuff he’s been wanting to do for a long time. Write. A lot. We have friends who have supported us financially. They are a god send. We will make it. But it is also scary at the same time.
One of the things I want to do in the new year of 2022 is to write up a storm. I have a small presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. What I found in the last month is a place called Medium.com where I can write up a storm and possibly, once I garner 100 followers (at present I am at 42), earn a bit of money. I’ve written some 25 stories so far and am slowly finding people who like what I write. It’s funny, though, because I didn’t know what Medium.com was about in the beginning and went looking just because I am a medium. Well, I thought it was funny.
Seeing as how I don’t have to hide being psychic anymore, I am very plain spoken about that with the articles I write. And that is a relief not having to dance around the idea that I hear voices.
Oh, and speaking of that, I have to tell you a Channeling Funny I heard yesterday. I was watching the news which was not all that pleasant. I turned it off abruptly and sat thinking about how so many Republicans seem to be so combative these days. A voice in Spirit said to me, “We’re not letting any of them in right now”. I laughed so hard. I thought that was hilarious. Of course, they were teasing, but it really tickled my funny bone.
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