An email I received: I found your blog post last night after another frustrating meditation and it was so reassuring to hear someone else has experienced what I’m going through. This frustration with my guides has been going on for almost six months and I feel like my guides are torturing me. Every now and then when I feel I have finally had it I receive a small sign (like a zap during meditation, seeing zig zags in my third eye, or feeling a spirit presence) but when I try to communicate I get nothing. I feel like I have been walled off and I keep throwing myself against this wall. Only it doesn’t give and I am now bloodied, bruised, and exhausted. I really need and want my guides’ help.
Have you ever heard of this happening to anyone for so long? I have read books, bought courses, meditated, and bought readings to no avail. The first medium didn’t say anything that made sense and the second said that while she could feel and see the wall around me she didn’t know how to penetrate it either. Do you have any advice? Do your guides have any advice? I know you’re not a professional medium, but I thought I’d ask anyway. Again, I really appreciated your blog post – a lot of what I find on the internet doesn’t discuss this topic.
Thank you for your time.
Best wishes, NM
And, my response: Hi. Relax. You might be trying too hard. I experienced the same thing and the phase seemed to last forever. Just don’t give up. Also, you are expecting X and may be getting Y. People experience their guide’s presence in many different ways. Turn it into a game. You don’t lose. You don’t win. You’re playing.
Okay, so maybe try something like this. Close your eyes and imagine that you are looking at a ball, or a plant, or a book, or something. Don’t go 100 miles an hour toward it. Just for a quarter of a second, ah maybe a little longer than that try seeing it with your mind’s eye. If you have trouble sometimes it helps to hold an object like you are trying to see in your hand. Look at it with an artist’s eye. Just observe the lines, the spaces, the light and dark of it. And, if you don’t understand what I mean by seeing like an artist don’t worry about it….just look at it. Close your eyes and see if you can’t “see” it for a couple of seconds. Forget about seeing your guide. Relax. And, don’t be surprised to find a guide shows up anyway holding out a glowing ball to you.
Right before I finally got the planchette on the Ouija board to move I gave up. I had the odd thought that I should be as innocent as I’d been when I was a little girl. Which, as I look at it in respect was likely my guide giving me some much needed advice. I’d been spending so much time trying to get something happening…it was months and nothing happened. I gave up. I hadn’t spent hardly any time writing and I missed it. However, to hedge my bets I left my non-dominant hand on the planchette and used my right hand to type. Not 10 seconds into it the planchette zoomed across the board. It meandered around aimlessly for a few seconds. I asked if this was my guide and the pointer moved to “Yes”. Then, very slowly it spelled out, “Seth”. I was a great fan of Jane Roberts and Seth and asked if it was the same Seth. Again, I got a, “Yes”. After that the planchette moved aimlessly across the board and didn’t make any sense at all. Each day after that first success I couldn’t wait to get back to the board to use it. The planchette moved faster and faster until about a week and a half into communicating I knew what Seth was going to say before he said it on the board. That’s when I started channeling telepathically. At the time I thought I was going crazy, but the process was just moving from one level of communication to another.
Here’s a channeling funny for you. I was having problems with a neighbor. The woman had really gotten under my skin and I was having a hard time finding a spiritual way around the problem. I toyed with the idea of learning how to cast spells to get her to move, but I didn’t do anything about it. Anyway, one day I was wondering (this is really childish) to myself what I could do that might irritate her. The guides said to me, “Dear, you don’t have to do a thing to irritate her.” I thought it was funny.
What I’m trying to illustrate is that giving up is good. Relaxing is better. Stop expecting to see, hear, feel in a specific way. Everybody is unique and you don’t know exactly how the first experience you have with your guide is going to be. However, once you make contact the connection will strengthen so that in the end (and continue to be playful with this) you will be able to paint, dance, write, sing, hum, type, whatever with your guide. The best times I’ve had is with singing channeling. It’s amazing to me to hear what can come out of my mouth when I’m channeling. Could I do the same thing not channeling? Not likely.

Anyway, just sort of say to yourself, “I’m going to allow Spirit to write through me.” And let it happen.
Here’s something else. Just get a pen and paper. Start drawing a big old circle on the paper. Keep going over it, over and over, go outside the lines, just a big old circle. Slowly “allow” Spirit to come over and see if they don’t take your hand and move it over the paper in another direction.
First attempts will probably be awkward. You’ve just got to get used to it. I used to get the shakes, but that only lasted a day or so. It’s a lot of energy. It’s different energy.
Your guides are there. They are not torturing you. You’re just not hearing what they have to say. Get in the zone. Imagine your vibrations get higher. Aim high. Aim for your guide. The guides exist at exquisite vibrations and light. Just imagine you’re lighter on your feet. Reach and relax.
Here’s something else. Do a guided meditation to meet your guide. Somewhere on the site I’ve got it written out. Make up something to suit yourself. Imagine you are on a path. Really pay attention to the path. What is growing on the side? What is it made out of? Is it dirt? Is it paved? Has it been raining? Walk on the path. It starts up an incline. It’s a little harder to walk, but you stay on the path. Up ahead there is something blocking the path. What is it? Is it a huge rock? Is it a bunch of branches? Keep going. How do you get past this obstruction? Do you magically appear on the other side? Do you fly over? Do you get a chain saw and get through that way? Do you climb over? When you’re on the other side of the obstruction you see something ahead. It’s up a steep hill. The path goes up to meet this thing. It’s a door way, or a gate, or a portal. You make your way to it. On the other side you see some guides sitting around a fire. They notice you waiting. One of them breaks away from the group and comes to you.
So, just imagine this. When I did it my obstacle was a huge bolder. I think I climbed over it. It was sort of spotty because it was difficult for me to keep my attention on the meditation. When I looked up at the doorway I saw a natural opening covered with green. Suddenly I became a bird and swooped up to the doorway. It reminded me of those tall sugar loaf hills in Hawaii, with really steep sides. Anyway, I got to the opening and Seth was on the other side. He had his back to me and was bent over slightly tending to the flowers in a garden. There was a low stone wall between us. He was wearing a Roman white toga and was balding. He turned and smiled the most beautiful smile at me. He reached out and took my hand. I was so excited I whooped right out of the meditation. It was shortly after this that I made contact via the Ouija board. Interesting that the Seth I saw in my meditation looked exactly like the Seth Jane Roberts channeled.
Anyway, I hope this has helped. There is no one right way or no one wrong way to make contact. But, do make a game out of it. I only learned that once I had finally made contact because I was just as frustrated as you’ve been.
Best of luck,
Love, Pauline
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